I found myself standing on a never-ending beach that seemed to stretch farther than I could see. The beach was covered in gigantic oyster-shells that were big enough for a person to sleep in. Each shell was open and each had a pearl. After coming to the realization that the beach was covered in these endless pearls, available for the taking, I woke up.
The Latin word for pearl literally means “unique”, attesting to the fact that no two pearls are identical. As no two fingerprints are alike, no two pearls are alike. Similarly, a human life resembles the life of a pearl. Does God see us like pearls? A temporary body as a shell for a time, but inside a unique and timeless pearl? Just as important, do we see ourselves as God does? I write this blog as an outlet, in hopes to encourage others to discover their pearl essence.
Blog by Chanel G.
Thank you for checking out my blog. My name is Chanel. I'm 31 years old and live in San Diego, CA. Despite some of the serious topics that I blog about, I'm a kid at heart and love being a goofball with my friends. Always love a good joke and try not take life too seriously. You know what they say, I'd rather lose a good friend, then the opportunity at a good joke! Haha. ; )
This blog is my form of art. Some people paint or make things. I write about God, religion and spirituality. I study it a whole bunch, as I continuously try to better myself as a person. I have a long way to go as to the type of person I hope to become, but it's all about the ride there right? You gotta admit, the human experience is simply fascinating! ; )
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