I still have a lot of learning to do, but one thing I have learned is that when something makes you feel uncomfortable, it usually means there is a lesson involved. It's up to us to ask ourselves what that lesson is, as nobody else can tell us or learn it for us. My 30th birthday just passed and my heart couldn't be more grateful for this past year of learning. Of course people learn throughout their whole life, but this past year was different and special. My 29th year I feel like I must of learned a lifetime of lessons in this one year. There are many reasons why this past year was different than the rest, but mainly because this past year, I was finally truly awake! I started to slowly awaken in my 28th year, but my 29th year was magical with priceless lessons from the universe. I've learned that blessings come in the form of lessons. Sometimes, the harder the lesson, the richer the blessing. I thank God that I'm finally awake to welcome and acknowledge these experiences, for this is what living is all about.
As my 30th birthday was quickly approaching, my wonderful mother insisted that I have a big blowout birthday party! I wasn't so sure I wanted a party and I went back and forth with her, suggesting I have a dinner or something a little more relaxed. However, she insisted that I have a birthday to remember and kept reminding me that I only turn 30 once. What did I do to deserve this beautiful, loving lady in my life?
I decided on a 70's disco-themed party, as I love the music from that era! 30 of my closest friends and family gathered at my mom's house to help me celebrate this momentous occasion! Everyone dressed up in fun costumes with afro wigs and Farrah Fawcett hair! We had a disco ball, laser lights and colorful hula hoops! The whole party was a fun, colorful sight to see and I was having a great time!
Towards the end of the evening, I started to notice that my mom had planned a little surprise for me. She had blown up a picture of my face and glued it to sticks for my friends to surprise me with. People could hold them up to their faces and it looked like my face on a little stick. My mom is adorable and very creative. I don't really know why she came up with this of all things, but it made me very uncomfortable for some reason. After many tequila shots throughout the night, I was also pretty buzzed by this time.
My mom called everyone to gather around while she told adoring stories about me growing up. Then she had everyone take group photos, holding up their Chanel faces on the sticks. I never liked being the center of attention as it was, but it really made me feel uncomfortable seeing a sea of my own face staring back at me. I was laughing at the time and I'm still laughing now, however it kind of irked me for some reason. A few days later, I was still asking myself why that made me feel so uncomfortable, especially because I found it strange why my mom picked to surprise me with that of all things. Something told me there was more to it than that. Why would I be shown a mirror (basically) on my birthday? What was the significance of that and why did it make me uncomfortable?
I decided to try googling "mirror spiritual" to see came up from other people's insights about the spiritual significance of a mirror. I had a feeling it had to do with self-love, but was still pondering what the lesson was for me. A few different interesting things came up, but a bible quote caught my eye in the search results.
As my 30th birthday was quickly approaching, my wonderful mother insisted that I have a big blowout birthday party! I wasn't so sure I wanted a party and I went back and forth with her, suggesting I have a dinner or something a little more relaxed. However, she insisted that I have a birthday to remember and kept reminding me that I only turn 30 once. What did I do to deserve this beautiful, loving lady in my life?
I decided on a 70's disco-themed party, as I love the music from that era! 30 of my closest friends and family gathered at my mom's house to help me celebrate this momentous occasion! Everyone dressed up in fun costumes with afro wigs and Farrah Fawcett hair! We had a disco ball, laser lights and colorful hula hoops! The whole party was a fun, colorful sight to see and I was having a great time!
Towards the end of the evening, I started to notice that my mom had planned a little surprise for me. She had blown up a picture of my face and glued it to sticks for my friends to surprise me with. People could hold them up to their faces and it looked like my face on a little stick. My mom is adorable and very creative. I don't really know why she came up with this of all things, but it made me very uncomfortable for some reason. After many tequila shots throughout the night, I was also pretty buzzed by this time.
My mom called everyone to gather around while she told adoring stories about me growing up. Then she had everyone take group photos, holding up their Chanel faces on the sticks. I never liked being the center of attention as it was, but it really made me feel uncomfortable seeing a sea of my own face staring back at me. I was laughing at the time and I'm still laughing now, however it kind of irked me for some reason. A few days later, I was still asking myself why that made me feel so uncomfortable, especially because I found it strange why my mom picked to surprise me with that of all things. Something told me there was more to it than that. Why would I be shown a mirror (basically) on my birthday? What was the significance of that and why did it make me uncomfortable?
I decided to try googling "mirror spiritual" to see came up from other people's insights about the spiritual significance of a mirror. I had a feeling it had to do with self-love, but was still pondering what the lesson was for me. A few different interesting things came up, but a bible quote caught my eye in the search results.