"Stay close and you will fly." - God
Robin Williams went to a better place yesterday. It's very sad that he felt he had to hurry and end his life here. I hope he found something much better on the other side.
Ironically in 1998, he was in a movie called, What Dreams May Come. After dying in a car crash, he searches the afterlife for his wife. It's quite an intense movie, so brace yourself if you decide to check it out. It's a beautiful love story of sorts, but it's also very dark, centering around the theme of depression and pain. After seeing this movie and hearing about Robin's unfortunate death, one has to wonder. Interesting Movie Quotes: Albert: Thought is real. Physical is the illusion. Ironic huh? Albert: Are you loosing your fear? Chris Nielsen: Fear? Albert: That you disappeared? You didn't, you only died.
Dear Soske, Thank you taking the time to read this. As you know, verbally expressing how I feel inside has never been my strong suit. Writing down my thoughts has been so helpful. I read something recently that kind of confirmed what I felt inside about relationships and perhaps something that many people also find to be strangely true. With that being said, I'm wondering if you'll join me on a submarine to explore the depths while you read this: Relationships are Assignments, from the book, A Return to Love " Relationships are assignments. They are part of a vast plan for our enlightenment, the Holy Spirit's blueprint by which each individual soul is led to greater awareness and expanded love. He brings together people who have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth. He appraises who can learn most from whom at any given time, then assigns them to each other. Like a giant universal computer, He knows exactly what combination of energies, in exactly what context, would do the most to further God's plan for salvation. No meetings are accidental. "Those who are to meet will meet, because together they have the potential for a holy relationship." There are three levels of teaching in a relationship. The first level is what we think of as a casual encounter, such as two strangers meeting in an elevator or students who "happen" to walk home from school together. The second level is a "more sustained relationship, in which, for a time, two people enter into a fairly intense teaching-learning situation and then appear to separate." The third level of teaching is a relationship which, once formed, lasts all of our lives. At this level, "each person is given a chosen learning partner who presents him with unlimited opportunities for learning." At the first level of teaching, the people in the elevator might smile at each other or the students might become friends. It is mostly in casual encounters that we are given the chance to practice the fine art of chiseling away at the hard edges of our personalities. Whatever personal weaknesses are evident in our casual interactions will inevitably appear more magnified in more intense relationships. If we're crabby with the bank teller, it will be harder to be gentle with the people we love most. At the second level of teaching, people are brought together for more intense work. During their time together, they will go through whatever experiences provide them with their next lessons to be learned. When physical proximity no longer supports their highest level of teaching and learning between them, the assignment will call for physical separation. Then what appears to be the end of the relationship however, is not really the end. Relationships are eternal. They are of the mind, not the body, since people are energy, not physical substance. Bodies joining may or may not denote real joining, since joining is of the mind. People who have slept in the same bed for 25 years may not be truly joined, and people who are many miles apart may not really be separate at all. Often we see people who have separated or divorced from their marriage and look with sadness on their "failure" of their relationship. But if both people learn what they were meant to learn, then the relationship was a success. Now it may be time for physical separation, so that more can be learned in other ways. That not only means learning elsewhere, from other people; it also means learning the lessons of pure love from having to release the form of the existing relationship. Third-level, life-long relationships are generally few because “their existence implies that those involved have reached a stage simultaneously in which the teaching-learning balance is actually perfect." Who knows if we'll have the 2nd level or the 3rd level of partnership, should we decide to pick up where we left off someday. What I do know however is that, "Relationships are eternal" and you'll forever be a part of me. There are so many reasons why you have been an inspiration to me, but mostly because you loved me unconditionally. "Mostly" ; ) Letting you go is one of the hardest things in this world for me, because you are my best friend. You are someone who got to know the real me. You found a lot of of my walls of fear and you still stayed with me , and you still loved me. You had faith in me and faith in our relationship. I can never repay you for all of the love you gave, but I can tell you that is what I'll remember you by. We can leave this chapter trying to forget all of the things we disagreed about, or we can remember all of the loving lessons we taught each other. I just wanted you to know where I was coming from and I hope that helped explain in part why I had to leave. I know that someday we'll look back on this and have more clarity on why things happened the way they did. Until then, I'll always pray for your happiness and hope all your dreams come true.
Just wanted to write a quick little few notes today. It's taken me my whole life to learn how to listen to that little voice inside, but it's finally getting louder and louder. Slowly, but surely, I feel more and more confident that it won't steer me in the wrong direction. It's hard sometimes to trust, but I have to know my heart reflects the most knowing and wisdom that anyone could give me. After all, God is always the one speaking through our hearts. He just waits so patiently for us to finally recognize His voice. I have to trust. I have to trust. |
August 2014
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