The time is up! Change your whole way of thinking and reshape your life, for the kingdom of God is confronting you! (Mark 1:15)

I have to wonder about a newer concept called, Religionless Chirstianity.
As Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once observed, I do not believe that Christianity can today be contained inside the traditional formulations of Christianity and must, therefore, transcend these boundaries, if it is to live in this generation. Bonhoeffer coined the phrase “Religionless Christianity” to describe what he meant. I seek in a similar way to look at Jesus outside the boundaries of religion. The result for me has been the recovery of a Jesus who commands my allegiance anew, a Jesus who calls me beyond my limits into a new humanity, beyond my prejudices into a new wholeness, beyond my religion into a new courage to live for others and to be all that I can be. It is this Jesus to whom my life is committed.
To begin the journey with Jesus we must start over again. We need a whole new perspective—about the identity of Jesus, about his mission, and about his message. We must let go of all our preconceived ideas about Christianity, let go of our religious dogma, and let go of the church’s conventional wisdom. We must reclaim the Jesus of history—the human Jesus in the context of the first century and in the context of empire. We must begin at the very beginning. God calls us to open our minds like a newborn child. Look, listen, and learn with new eyes, new ears, and a radically transformed paradigm of life, religion, and reality.
The christian faiths don't have a monopoly on Jesus Christ. Jesus was a Jewish man while he walked this earth. The spirit known as Jesus Christ has one religion and that's LOVE. It's ok if we include him in our religions, but we have to know that the various religions are simply one interpretation of God.
"Christ has been much misinterpreted by the world. Even the most elementary principles of his teachings have been desecrated, and their esoteric depths have been forgotten. They have been crucified at the hands of dogma, prejudice, and cramped understanding. Genocidal wars have been fought, people have been burned as witches and heretics, on the presumed authority of man-made doctrines of Christianity. How to salvage the immortal teachings from the hands of ignorance? We must know Jesus as an Oriental Christ, a supreme yogi who manifested full mastery of the universal science of God-union, and thus could speak and act as a savior with the voice and authority of God. He has been Westernized too much. "
As Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once observed, I do not believe that Christianity can today be contained inside the traditional formulations of Christianity and must, therefore, transcend these boundaries, if it is to live in this generation. Bonhoeffer coined the phrase “Religionless Christianity” to describe what he meant. I seek in a similar way to look at Jesus outside the boundaries of religion. The result for me has been the recovery of a Jesus who commands my allegiance anew, a Jesus who calls me beyond my limits into a new humanity, beyond my prejudices into a new wholeness, beyond my religion into a new courage to live for others and to be all that I can be. It is this Jesus to whom my life is committed.
To begin the journey with Jesus we must start over again. We need a whole new perspective—about the identity of Jesus, about his mission, and about his message. We must let go of all our preconceived ideas about Christianity, let go of our religious dogma, and let go of the church’s conventional wisdom. We must reclaim the Jesus of history—the human Jesus in the context of the first century and in the context of empire. We must begin at the very beginning. God calls us to open our minds like a newborn child. Look, listen, and learn with new eyes, new ears, and a radically transformed paradigm of life, religion, and reality.
The christian faiths don't have a monopoly on Jesus Christ. Jesus was a Jewish man while he walked this earth. The spirit known as Jesus Christ has one religion and that's LOVE. It's ok if we include him in our religions, but we have to know that the various religions are simply one interpretation of God.
"Christ has been much misinterpreted by the world. Even the most elementary principles of his teachings have been desecrated, and their esoteric depths have been forgotten. They have been crucified at the hands of dogma, prejudice, and cramped understanding. Genocidal wars have been fought, people have been burned as witches and heretics, on the presumed authority of man-made doctrines of Christianity. How to salvage the immortal teachings from the hands of ignorance? We must know Jesus as an Oriental Christ, a supreme yogi who manifested full mastery of the universal science of God-union, and thus could speak and act as a savior with the voice and authority of God. He has been Westernized too much. "